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Sydney Bus Museum:巴士珍藏展品/澳洲最大巴士博物館遊記


Old Leichhardt Tramshed

25 Derbyshire Street


Sydney Bus Museum 雪梨巴士博物館,一扇不起眼的大門
Sydney Bus Museum 雪梨巴士博物館,一扇不起眼的大門

雪梨巴士博物館設於有超過 100 年歷史的 Leichhardt 電車總站,一走進展館就可以立即看到大量老爺巴士,十分壯觀。展館珍藏包括 70 多種車輛,從 1920 年代的巴士到 1940 及 50 年代的 Leyland 和 AEC, 當然也有 1990 年代的 Mercedes-Benz 城市巴士。博物館收藏了澳洲最多經典系列的雙層巴士,包括來自雪梨、墨爾本、阿德萊德、香港和倫敦的雙層巴士。香港沒有公共交通博物館,在雪梨巴士博物館重遇來自香港「消失了的中巴」和「波板糖」,十分驚喜。這部香港代表 116 中巴雙層巴士,收費還停留在 $3.50。澳洲地方大,可以在市區找一個地方容納幾十部不同年代來自不同地方的古董巴士;最精彩的是,門票包了坐上古董巴士,行走 Route 456 在 Sydney 市內遊歷的車程。

館內參觀的最後活動,是宣布叫大家集合在大門口準備登上巴士,體驗乘坐古董雙層巴士市內遊。巴士穿過 ANZAC 大橋到達市中心商務區後回程。這次巴士遊有兩架老爺巴士齊步出發,中途更可讓乘客換車,一次過有機會坐上兩款巴士,完全不同體驗。其中有趣的是穿著舊式制服的巴士司機「賣車票」,家長可以帶孩子來一齊感受這 “noisy, bouncy and hot” (嘈吵、顛簸和炎熱)的巴士之旅。除了把歷史和自己的故事承傳下去,在夏天坐上「熱狗」車或許也是很特別的親子活動。

Step inside the over 100 year-old Leichhardt Tramshed to see our extensive collection of vintage buses. The collection consists of over 70 vehicles ranging from primitive 1920s type buses, through to 1940s and 50s Leyland’s and AEC’s as well as the more modern 1990s Mercedes-Benz city buses. The Museum also houses Australia’s largest collection of historic double deckers, including those from Sydney, Melbourn, Adelaide, Hong Kong and London. Another fascinating experience is a ride aboard a vintage double-decker bus across the ANZAC Bridge to the CBD and return.



Museum Collection 展館珍藏:

~37+ 公營巴士NSW Government Buses

~17 私營巴士NSW Private Buses

~6 跨州及海外巴士 (包括英國、香港巴士)Interstate/ International Buses

~6 輔助或小型汽車 Aucillery/ Small Vehicles

About the Museum 有關雪梨巴士博物館:

The Sydney Bus Museum is a not-for-profit organisation first established in 1986 at Tempe, and now permanently based within the Old Tramshed at Leichhardt in Sydney's inner-west. It is a working museum made up of over 250 members who together help to preserve a rare, and invaluable collection of historic buses dating from the 1920s to 2000.

The organisation has continued to exist for over 25 years thanks to an entirely voluntary workforce, who ensure the vehicles are regularly made available for various community and charitable events.The Museum was re-opened on 1 August 2016 at Leichhardt by The Hon. Andrew Constance MP, NSW Minister for Transport & Infrastructure.

Operating the Sydney Bus Museum at Leichhardt, providing the community access to our invaluable collection and telling a part of Sydney's transport history. From destination rolls, old bus tickets to driver uniforms, bus designs and timetables - the Sydney Bus Museum Archives receive new artifacts for preservation from a wide variety of organisations including the State Transit Authority each year. The Sydney Bus Museum commits both volunteer and financial resources to at least one major restoration project each year.

Buses of Sydney 雪梨巴士的發展
Buses of Sydney 雪梨巴士的發展

Sydney's Bus History 雪梨巴士歷史的發展:

1840-1905 Horse Buses in the City

1840-1905 年的市內馬車

隨著雪梨港灣周圍聚居點的增長,居所與上班地點終於可以突破步行距離。為了提供公共交通,企業商在 1840年左右開始引入馬拉的巴士服務。其後幾十年裡,雪梨的中產階級在新郊區定居,也建立了新的日常交通模式。

As Sydney grew beyond the settlement around Sydney Cove, travel between home and work began to exceed a comfortable walking distance. To provide public transport, enterprising individuals introduced horse-drawn bus services from about 1840.

Over the following decades, Sydney’s middle class settled in new suburbs and established a pattern of daily commuting. About that time, several entrepreneurs began consolidating smaller bus operations and in 1887 the Sydney Tramway and Omnibus Company emerged as the major provider of city bus services. At its peak the company operated 120 buses, required almost 1,000 horses and employed 270 staff.

1920s Heyday of the Private Motor Bus

第一次世界大戰後,私人經營的巴士服務首次在雪梨不少郊區出現,為居民提供定期的公共交通。在 1918 年,只有少數車主和巴士,但五年內,150家巴士服務經營者已經提供 175條路線上,並運作 350 輛汽車。儘管悉雪梨的交通需求在 1920 年代迅速增長,州政府並沒有營運公交巴士,反而把投資重心由電車轉到發展電氣化鐵路網絡。

After World War I, the upsurge in privately-operated motor buses provided many Sydney suburbs with regular public transport for the first time.

From a handful of owners and buses in 1918, within five years 150 bus proprietors employed 350 vehicles on 175 routes. Ex-servicemen skilled in driving and maintaining “heavy” vehicles contributed to this swift development.

Although Sydney’s transport needs grew quickly during the 1920s, the State Government refrained from operating buses. Instead, its investment shifted from tramways to extending and electrifying the suburban rail network.

Over the same period, improvements in bus design and reliability encouraged the proliferation of longer services from suburbs to the city precincts. At the end of the 1920s more than 100 bus routes in Sydney operated in direct competition with trams.

1930s Government Takeover of Private Buses

1931年的新立法會向與政府營運的交通工具競爭的私營巴士徵收嚴厲的稅款。所以在新稅項生效前,大多數競爭最激烈的巴士路線於同年 10 月 31 日停運。第一個由新成立的道路運輸及電車運輸部 (DRTT) ,於 1932 年聖誕節開始營運。直到 1939 年,政府車隊已增至 400 輛公共汽車。

New legislation in 1931 imposed a cripping tax on private buses that competed with government-operated transport. Before this tax took effect, most competing bus routes ceased on 31 October. The first, operated by the new Department of Road Transport and Tramways (DRTT), began on Christmas Day 1932. By 1939 the government fleet had grown to 400 buses.

World Word II: Keep Things Moving

第二次大戰期間,極度短缺的車輛、燃料和勞動力,對公共運輸造成極大的影響。對私人駕車者的汽油配給和當時巨大的勞動人口,創造了公共汽車的高載客量紀錄。與此同時,為了節省燃料和其他供應,不得不減少許多巴士服務。當時高達三分之一的公營巴士車隊會被武裝部隊征用。到 1942 年,受到戰時敵方襲擊雪梨和紐卡素的威脅,許多公營巴士都塗上了迷彩色,巴士以金屬板代替了玻璃窗,以減少炸彈爆炸時可能造成的人命傷害。而晚上在沿海郊區運行的公共汽車也要為頭燈戴上罩擋以減低亮度,防止被敵軍看到。

During the six years of WII, extreme shortage of vehicles, fuel and labour had a profound impact upon public transport. Petrol rationing to private motorists and greater workforce participation drew a record number of passengers onto buses. At the same time, many bus services had to be cut back in order to conserve fuel and other supplies. Compounding these difficulties, up to a third of the government bus fleet could be commandeered by the armed services, without notice to move troops.

By 1942 the threat of enemy attacks on Sydney and Newcastle loomed. Many government buses received camouflage livery and metal panels replaced glass windows to reduce personal injury from bomb blasts. At night, buses operating in coastal suburbs wore headlight masks to shield activity from enemy view.

Burdened by wartime conditions, the overworked government fleet deteriorated. Despite the urgent need for more large-capacity buses, double-deck chassis could not be obtained.

Postwar: Buses Replace Trams

戰後,對駕車者的燃料配給持續了四年,所以公共交通大受歡迎。 1946 年 9 月至 1951 年 12 月期間,DRTT 購買了 745 輛新的綠色和米色雙層巴士,全部採用標准統一設計。

穩定的新巴士服務令政府恢復電車取替政策。從 1948 年開始,歷時 13 年完成整個有軌電車路線轉為巴士營運的項目。而在 1950 年代初期,汽車擁有量的增加,開始影響公共交通的使用和營運成本,所以新購的公共汽車改為單層巴士。 1951 年 12 月,第一批共 172 輛 「31 座位」 適合單人操作的巴士送抵。同年,車隊還引進了一款創新的底置式發動機巴士。1953 年 2 月至 1961 年 6 月,新成立的政府運輸部推出 700 多輛底置式發動機單層巴士,並取代了舊車和餘下的電車。新款巴士只需一個駕駛員操作,所以最終都淘汰了售票員和具標誌性的戰後雪梨雙層巴士。

After the war, fuel rationing for motorists continued another four years and public transport enjoyed high patronage. Between September 1946 and December 1951, the DRTT acquired 745 new green and cream double-deck buses, all bodied to a standard design.

The steady flow of new bus deliveries allowed the government to resume the tram replacement policy. Starting in 1948, the conversion of tram routes to bus operation took 13 years to complete.

In the early 1950s, new bus purchases switched to single-deck vehicles as rising car ownership began to affect public transport usage and operating costs. The first 172 “31-seaters”, suitable for one-peson operation, arrived in December 1951. That year also brought an innovative underfloor-engined bus into the fleet.

The newly formed Department of Government Transport placed more than 700 underfloor single-deckers into service between February 1953 and June 1961. These replaced older vehicles and the remaining trams. The underfloors permitted the gradual introduction of driver-only operation that eventually led to the demise of conductors and the iconic postwar Sydney double-decker bus.

Late 1970s-80s: The Mercedes-Benz Era

直到1970年代中期,雪梨和紐卡素大多數公營巴士都是英國製造的,包括在1967年至1976年間交付的700多輛 Leyland Leopard 單層巴士。在選擇未來城市型巴士時,新南威爾士州公共交通委員會決定採用歐洲設計的Mercedes-Benz O305車型。 第一批200輛的訂單於 1977年5月抵達,全部採用了 1969 年推出的藍白相間的車身顏色設計。

事實證明,這些後置引擎巴士取得顯著的成功,當局通過進一步的訂單,讓公營巴士的營運迅速實現了現代化。直到 1987 年,O305 的數量已增長到 1,317 輛 —— 當時是世界上同類巴士中最大的車隊。

Until the mid-1970s, most government buses for Sydney and Newcastle were built on British bus chassis. The last examples comprised over 700 Leyland Leopard single-deckers delivered between 1967 and 1976. When choosing a future city-type bus, the Public Transport Commission of NSW decided on the European-designed Mercedes-Benz O305 model. The first of an initial order for 200 arrived in May 1977 and all buses wore a revamp of the blue and white livery introduced in 1969.

These rear-engined vehicles proved an immediate success and, through further orders, government bus operations rapidly modernised. Under the new Urban Transit Authority, the number of O305s had grown to 1,317 by 1987 - then the largest fleet of that bus type in the world.

資料來源 Source:

Material from Sydney Bus Museum (Unboring Australia中文翻譯)

備註Remarks :

中華汽車:中巴 (China Motor Bus) 成立於1924年,自1930年代獲香港島巴士專營權,經歷二次大戰日本觀治香港的時期,也陪伴很多戰後出生的香港人成長。跟澳洲雪梨巴士業的發展一樣,經歷巴士服務黃金期後,也面對不少市場的挑戰。在1970年代,香港開始動工興建集體運輸鐵路(Mass Transit Railway Corporation),即是地下鐵路 (2007年地下鐵路和九廣鐵路合併後,大家都叫港鐵),並於1980年2月開始投入初期的服務。巴士業在80年代開始就面對強大競爭,服務不進則退,而中巴也步入衰落。最後,香港政府在1998年2月17日宣佈不再延續中巴的巴士專營權,所以中巴的服務於當年8月31日深夜正式完結。

港鐵:現時的港鐵於 1975 年 9 月 26 日創立,當時名為地下鐵路公司(Mass Transit Railway Corporation)。在2000 年宣布私有化,並於 同年4 月註冊成有限公司,改名為地鐵有限公司(MTR Corporation Limited)。2007 年地鐵和九廣鐵路進行兩鐵合併,現時名稱為香港鐵路有限公司。九廣鐵路歷史悠久,於1910 年 10 月 1 日啟用,最初採用蒸汽機火車拖動,後來電氣化後,大家曾經直接叫九鐵做電氣化火車。社區專題/673493/中巴由戰前走到回歸-地鐵通車致王朝衰落-拒用八達通成最後死因


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