一般街市海鮮店,甚至部分超市都有生蠔賣。大概 A$20 一打,一盤盤賣。店員會將整盤生蠔放入紙袋,部分店家會有檸檬甚至 Tabasco 提供,當然或會額外收費。
本地人會買回家當正餐吃,香港來的生蠔精可以即買即吃、去公園野餐吃,甚至 Road Trip 時在車上吃。
不過,斷打賣的生蠔是一盤一款,不會 mix。想吃不同品種的生蠔,唯有找多些生蠔精一齊 share,或者日日食,日日買唔同款。悉隨尊便!
Fresh seafood store 有賣生蠔的海鮮店:
1. Queen Victoria Market, 513 Elizabeth St, Melbourne, VIC
→ Gazza's Gourmet Seafood (特別推介***)
→ George the Fishmonger
→ Happy Tuna Seafoods
→ Prosser’s Seafood
→ Seafood and Oyster Spot
→ The Mussel Pot
2. South Melbourne Market, 322-326 Coventry St, South Melbourne, VIC
→ Aptus Seafood (特別推介***)
→ South Melbourne Seafoods
3. Prahran Market, 163 Commercial Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141, Australia
→ Claringbolds Quality Seafood (有新鮮壽司手卷)
→ Prahran Seafoods
→ Periwinkle Fine Seafood
4. Footscray Market, 18 Irving St, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia
→ Melbourne Seafood Market, Unit 3/28A Leeds St, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia
→ D&K Live Seafood, Unit 3/28A Leeds St, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia
→ Conway Fish Trading, 11/21 Wingfield St, Footscray VIC 3011, Australia